The 15 Tastiest Potatoes To Grow In Your Garden


There’s no need to plant a bland potato variety in your garden this year. Instead, opt for one of the best-tasting potato varieties to create delicious meals for your family and friends.

With over a thousand varieties of potatoes to choose from, picking out the ones that taste the best is a real challenge.

This guide to the most delicious potatoes will help you plan your next crop of garden vegetables that will provide the ideal texture and flavor for all types of meals.

1. Yukon Gold

bushel of yukon gold potatoes

The Yukon Gold potato has a slightly sweet, buttery flavor and dense flesh that makes it ideal for baking, roasting, or boiling in soups and stews because it holds its shape. The potato isn’t too starchy or waxy and works well with sour cream or butter.

  • Days to harvest: 80-95
  • Skin color: Brown
  • Flesh color: Creamy yellow

2. Daisy Gold

The Daisy Gold potato has a naturally buttery flavor and a moist, flaky flesh that’s best for mashing but also excellent for baking and boiling.

  • Days to harvest: 80
  • Skin color: Light yellow-brown
  • Flesh color: Deep yellow

3. Burbank Idaho Russet

brown burbank idaho russet potatoes

The Burbank Idaho Russet has an earthy flavor and a dry, flaky flesh when cooked that creates fluffy mashed potatoes. However, the high starch content that makes them perfect for hash browns or other frying recipes does not work well for casseroles or soups.

  • Days to harvest: 120
  • Skin color: Medium brown
  • Flesh color: Creamy white

4. Purple Peruvian

pile of purple peruvian potatoes

Purple Peruvian fingerling potatoes bring a stunning burst of color to your meals and offer a nutty and buttery flavor profile. The starchy and dry texture helps them stand up to grilling, roasting, baking, frying, and boiling.

  • Days to harvest: 110
  • Skin color: Deep purple
  • Flesh color: Deep purple/mottled light purple

5. Adirondack Blue

Adirondack Blue potatoes deliver a light nutty, sweet, earthy, and buttery flavor that pairs well with all types of foods. You can mash, roast, boil, or bake the potato and use it in casseroles and potato salad with excellent results.

  • Days to harvest: 75-90
  • Skin color: Purple
  • Flesh color: Blue

6. Katahdin

The Katahdin potato variety is quite starchy, making them ideal for french fries and hash browns, but when boiled, the flesh will not hold its shape so avoid using it in soups, stews, or potato salad. On the other hand, the flesh flavor is delicate and creamy, so it doesn’t compete with other ingredients.

  • Days to harvest: 105-135
  • Skin color: Light brown
  • Flesh color: Cream

7. Red Pontiac

red pontiac potatoes in basket

The Red Pontiac potato has a thin skin and waxy texture best for boiling, baking, mashing, and roasting. In addition, the flavor profile is surprisingly sweet, making them an excellent base for potato salad and soups.

  • Days to harvest: 80
  • Skin color: Deep red
  • Flesh color: Creamy white

8. Kennebec

kennebec potatoes closeup

The Kennebec potato is the perfect all-purpose potato that you can fry just as well as mash or use its ability to hold its shape well and use in stews and soups or for baking up potato wedges. When cooked, the flavor is rich and nutty, with a light and airy flesh texture.

  • Days to harvest: 80
  • Skin color: Light brown
  • Flesh color: Creamy white

9. Adirondack Red

The Adirondack Red potato has a beautiful color and a moist, dense texture with a sweet flavor. Best for frying, mashing, or boiling as the flesh will break apart easily after cooking.

  • Days to harvest: 90
  • Skin color: Rose to Purple
  • Flesh color: Mottled pink/purple and cream

10. Swedish Peanut Fingerling

yellow swedish peanut fingerling potatoes

The heirloom Swedish Peanut fingerling potato has a firm, waxy flesh. It imparts a rich peanut flavor that is enhanced when roasted. The diced potato also works well in soups, stews, and salads.

  • Days to harvest: 90
  • Skin color: Brown
  • Flesh color: Yellow

11. Red Gold

The Red Gold variety of potato has a gently nutty yet slightly sweet flavor and tender flesh that browns wonderfully for hash browns, gratins, or wedges. You can also mash, bake, boil, or roast Red Gold and use them in soups and salads, making them a great pantry staple.

  • Days to harvest: 70-90
  • Skin color: Pinkish red
  • Flesh color: Yellow

12. Charlotte

charlotte potatoes (solanum tuberosum)

The Charlotte potato is a French variety that imparts a delightful buttery and nutty flavor. Its light and flaky flesh are ideal for roasting but also is great steamed or boiled and used in hot or cold salads.

  • Days to harvest: 105-119
  • Skin Color: Golden brown
  • Flesh color: Deep yellow

13. Inca Gold

Inca Gold potatoes bring a slightly sweet, buttery, earthy, and nutty flavor to dishes while the waxier flesh retains a creamy and firm texture. The Inca is best in salads, casseroles, and gratins after roasting or boiling.

  • Days to harvest: 90-100
  • Skin color: Golden brown
  • Flesh color: Golden yellow

14. Purple Viking

purple viking potatoes

The Purple Viking potato has a unique buttery and sweet flavor and creamy texture that will make outstanding mashed potatoes. You can also bake, boil, or roast the potato for soups, potato salads, gratins, or casseroles.

  • Days to harvest: 60-80
  • Skin color: Dark purple
  • Flesh color: White

15. Masquerade

The Masquerade potato has the most interesting bi-colored skin and has low moisture content, so you can whip up fluffy mashed potatoes, or bake, broil, fry, or roast them to perfection. The flavor profile is super buttery, and the texture is creamy.

  • Days to harvest: 63
  • Skin color: Purple and cream
  • Flesh color: Light cream

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